Yummies Presents The New Zambos Truck

27 February, 2018

/ Comunicados Prensa

Tegucigalpa, February 27, 2018. Yummies presented the new Zambos Truck, a truck equipped with a unique kitchen that will bring that delicious taste to our brand lovers in a different way. Additionally, you will also discover how to make tasty recipes with Yummies products.

A variety of recipes were presented at the Zambos Truck launch. They can all be prepared in a simple way and are suitable to be enjoyed for lunch, at special moments, in celebrations, soccer games, and more.

The recipes were prepared by international chef of Mexican origin, Leonel Pérez, who opened up the minds of participants so they could dare creating exquisite dishes using the variety of flavors of Zambos and the Yummies family of products.

Luis Weddle, Yummies Snacks Brand Manager underscored: “Zambos Truck is an innovative idea that started with our consumers. They all want to learn to make simple recipes and enjoy the great variety of Yummies Snacks. It brings us great satisfaction to be the Honduran homes and families’ favorite products”.

This flavor-filled truck will be located in strategic points of town, where consumers will get the chance to enjoy and taste the Zambos Truck product offering.
